An individualized, whole-body approach to science-based nutrition.

I can’t wait to help you reclaim your health and wellness through dietary and lifestyle adjustments to become your best, healthiest, and happiest self. My nutrition philosophy is centered around optimizing the gut microbiome, the community of trillions of microorganisms inhabiting your gut.

Why The Gut Microbiome?

Hippocrates said it best over 2,000 years ago when he stated, “all disease begins in the gut.” I’ll go him one further -- all health begins in the gut, and the foundation of gut health is dependent on the diversity and demographics of the microorganisms that reside in our intestinal tract.

A well-established body of research demonstrates that our gut microbiome impacts every aspect of our health and wellbeing. From achieving and maintaining our optimal weight, promoting mental health and focus, regulating our immune system, supporting proper digestive function, optimizing blood sugar control, improving cardiovascular health, promoting longevity, and much more.

Modern day living certainly has its perks and creature comforts, but our Westernized diet, agricultural methods, and hygiene practices have changed our gut microbiome, making us more susceptible to chronic disease and negatively affecting our ability to function at and feel our best.

The great news is that there is so much we can do to improve our health and become the best version of ourselves, through dietary and lifestyle changes aimed at cultivating and maintaining a healthier gut microbiome.

My Philosophy

I help clients implement individualized, evidence-based, sustainable dietary and lifestyle strategies to foster a more robust, diverse, and beneficial gut microbiome and in doing so, improve how their body functions and feels.

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